Tech Lead 101

    What is the best way to deploy a Docker container to AWS?

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    ChatGPT and the Future of Software Engineers

    In a world of low code frameworks, open source AI tools, and an obsession with automation, what the future demand of software engineering looks like in 2023.

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    Angular Module vs. Library vs. Application vs. Workspace

    Angular modules vs libraries including what is an an Angular library and what is an Angular module? The difference between workspaces, applications, and libraries explained.

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    Angular Module vs. Library vs. Application vs. Workspace

    Angular modules vs libraries including what is an an Angular library and what is an Angular module? The difference between workspaces, applications, and libraries explained.

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    BeanPostProcessor Example | Spring Boot

    BeanPostProcessor example in Spring Boot including proxy example, BeanFactoryPostProcessor vs BeanPostProcessor, BeanPostProcessor not getting called, BeanPostProcessor vs PostConstruct, and more.

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    NextJS Examples | Express

    NextJS Express example including sample express app with NextJS, updating package.json for Express, and how nextApp.prepare works

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    What is the Log4J2 security vulnerability?

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    Java Heap vs Stack?

    Java Heap vs Stack

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